Architecture Services

Serving Marianna, FL & Surrounding Areas

Donofro Architects provides high-quality architectural services in Marianna, FL & beyond. We are your experienced architecture partner and pride ourselves on our reliability and solid work ethic. We are as enthusiastic about your project as you are, and it’ll show in our workmanship. We are dedicated to completing work efficiently and effectively, in order to save you both money and time.

If you have a restoration or renovation in mind, we are confident we can design for your individual needs, and make your dream a reality. We have worked with many different industries, as well as non-profits such schools districts and local governments. Overall, our professionalism and attention to detail is what sets us apart, and we like to prove that every time out.

Give us a call today 850-482-5261 if you have any questions about the services we provide or would like to schedule a consultation. We look forward to meeting you!

Services we provide


From pre-design to construction observation and every process in between, we provide top-notch architecture services for our clients. We guide our clients through the process so they are a part of each step, and never feel out of the loop.

Interior Design

We work closely with our clients in order to identify their needs and help create great interior spaces. We can create designs for interior spaces including windows, doors, furnishings, and walls, that fit your individual specifications.


The planning phase entails drawings, specifications of the the particular design you’re looking to achieve, calculations, and time planning. We work closely with you throughout this stage of the process to ensure your needs and deadlines are met.


Sustainable architecture helps minimize the environmental impact of structures. We achieve this by increasing the efficiency with how buildings use energy, water, and materials throughout the building’s lifecycle. That includes from the moment the shovel first hits dirt to demolition of the structure. We also focus on energy conservation which can dramatically reduce energy costs over the long haul while simultaneously creating a healthy environment.

Site Analysis

Site analysis is an early process in architecture where geographical, historical, legal, infrastructural context is accounted for. This is used as a starting point for the design phase.